Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Water Babies

A few weeks ago, I noticed, to my surprise some see-through jelly-like blobs on the inside of my Goldfish bowl, and they were filled with lots of minuscule white dots.

Not being completely au fait with Goldfish reproduction I immediately and excitedly assumed Flash and Gordon were not only a mixture of male and female but also expecting... After much Googling, it was agreed that the eggs belonged to the unassuming water snail that hitched a ride on my pond plants without me noticing, a few months back. My disappointment gave over to a feeling of pride for my clever
mollusc. He/she had been very busy with her/himself!

I'd waited as long as possible for the babies to squeeze themselves out of the jelly cocoons but the fish were getting pretty filthy in their fishy slick and it was time for their monthly bath. Luckily I had a smaller Goldfish bowl from when the fish were young, and transported as many tiny snails as I could, grasping any hard little shells I found amongst the floating gubbins. Now I have a bowlful of about 20 baby snails (see first pic for the tiny dark spec).

Uh oh, is that another freshly delivered blob I see clinging to the sides of the bowl...I know you are clever and fertile, but please give it a rest. Anyone know what type of snail I have? Any advice on mollusc motherhood?

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